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Indiana Line at High End Munich 2024 – photo report

This year’s High End Munich fairs was brimming with numerous intriguing products and presentations, attracting music enthusiasts from all around the globe. Our exhibits also attracted significant interest, featuring the latest generation speakers from the Tesi and Diva series, which have recently debuted in the audio market. We had something special for our visitors – a preview listening session of one of our upcoming releases, the floor-standing Diva 6 model.

At our large and spacious booth in Hall 2, we showcased a wide range of Indiana Line products. Visitors could see both our stereo system speakers and home theatre setups, including the powerful subwoofers from the Basso line.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

Exhibition overflowing with new products

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The core of the exhibition was the new models of Indiana Line Diva and Tesi speakers. The technical solutions introduced with these models resulted in exceptionally versatile and natural sound, accompanied by an eye-catching design.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The newly updated Tesi series premiered in March this year, just before the High End Munich trade fair. The clean, open, and engaging sound, along with a visually appealing design, are undeniable advantages of these speakers, all while maintaining an affordable price.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The Tesi series speakers on display in Hall 2 were also showcased in a more classic version, finished with Mokka veneer. However, this is not the only colour option – the new Tesi is also available in black. There’s something for everyone!

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The exhibition would not have been complete without the top-of-the-line Diva series speakers, including the central Diva 7 speaker, showcased for the first time and soon to be officially released. With this addition, it’s possible to create not only a stereo setup but also a great-sounding home theatre system using the new generation Diva series speakers.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

In our showroom at the trade fair, we also displayed installation speakers, which have been a popular part of Indiana Line’s portfolio for quite some time and continue to be well-liked by our customers.

Pre-release listening sessions

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

In the spacious listening room located in Atrium 4.2, we prepared intriguing presentations of several stereo sets, including pre-release listening sessions of the Diva 6 model.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The extremely positive listening impressions were heightened by the lack of acoustic treatment in the listening room. The speakers seemed to defy the laws of acoustics, which astonished and sometimes baffled visitors.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The Diva 6, a nearly 100-centimetre floor-standing speaker with three built-in woofers, impressed listeners with its distinctive and emotional sound, emphasized by the well-chosen musical repertoire.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The look of the Diva 6 also caught visitors’ attention with its stylish, slightly backwards-tilted front panel lacquered in white. This panel features the familiar tweeter from the Diva 3 and Diva 5 models, a newly developed specialized midrange driver, and a triple woofer system with long-throw membranes. The entire system operates in a bass-reflex configuration with a downward-facing port.

Indiana Line HIGH END MUNICH 2024

The launch of the Diva 6 model, the largest in this series of Indiana Line speakers, is approaching rapidly. We encourage you to follow our website,, and our social media channels to ensure you don’t miss it.

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